FinovateSpring 2022 / Buddy

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Buddy’s founders come from backgrounds in marketing, technology, and insurance, but came together around a single mission: to build a more fearless society. In 2018, Buddy launched the world’s first on-demand accident insurance for adventurers. While the on-demand products were well received, it was Buddy’s technology platform that created the biggest buzz in the insurance industry. Buddy expanded focus and launched The Insurance Gateway in Jan 2022, the simplest way for software companies to manage and sell insurance products to customers.

How they describe their product/innovation: Buddy’s industry transforming Insurance Gateway is the simplest way for software companies to manage and sell insurance. The Gateway provides a single, forward-compatible connection to the insurance universe, allowing our customers to source, connect, transact, fulfill, and analyze any type of insurance offering within their software platform. No code software means companies can edit products quickly, increasing conversion rates, and leaving more time to focus on building the core business.


Bus. Dev.: Charles Merritt, Buddy CEO + Co-Founder,, 718-404-2423
Press: Kellie Pelletier, KPM Communications, 917-514-5851,

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