FinovateFall 2022 / LeapXpert

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: LeapXpert, the enterprise-grade responsible business communication platform, provides organizations peace of mind by creating an accessible digital record of all business interactions carried out over mobile messaging applications. LeapXpert’s platform is an interoperable, mobile-first solution that provides unparalleled visibility into data from instant messaging applications, as well as governance and control. This enables financial institutions to embrace a customer-centered approach while maintaining professional conduct and ensuring compliance.

How they describe their product/innovation: As the risks of slipping out of compliance and losing ownership over critical data grow, LeapXpert’s platform provides companies with real-time visibility and total control over their internal and client-facing business conversations. LeapXpert’s platform, now with a new app in the Microsoft Teams app store, creates a comprehensive digital record of company conversations across all text and instant messaging communication channels, such as iMessage, WhatsApp, SMS, LINE, Signal, Telegram, and WeChat.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Tom Venezia (EVP, Managing Director Americas),
Press: Ari Applbaum (VP Marketing),

More Videos: FinovateFall 2022