FinovateSpring 2023 / FinGoal

Demo video will be available soon.

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: FinGoal is an insights platform that sits atop digital banking and personal financial data. We use that data to better understand users and provide actionable insights.

Features of our insights platform:

  • Clean & Complete Data – A comprehensive dataset of your users’ accounts, enriched and deeply categorized.
  • Actionable Data – We use transaction data to create rich profiles of end users that institutions can use to create personalized offers for higher conversion.

How they describe their product/innovation: FinGoal’s new user tags enable financial institutions to understand their customers better and create better, more targeted offers resulting in higher cross-sells.

Three key features/benefits of the new product/innovation:

  1. User tags based on transaction data
  2. Use those user tags in any CRM to create targeted marketing campaigns
  3. Personalized marketing results in higher cross-sells and more loyal customers

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), Through financial institutions, Through other fintech companies and platforms, Licensed


Bus. Dev.: Mark Lucier (VP of Growth),
Press: Carolyn Nohe (VP of Operations),

More Videos: FinovateSpring 2023