FinovateSpring 2023 / Array

Demo video will be available soon.

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Array fuels financial progress for many of the world’s leading fintechs, financial institutions, and digital brands with a suite of private-label fintech solutions that can be easily embedded. Array drives engagement and revenue for our clients by helping them stand out in a crowded market and forge deeper relationships with their customers. More than a suite of products, we’re building a platform to help consumers own their financial future.

How they describe their product/innovation: Array’s latest financial tools, HelloPrivacy & Subscription Manager, help financial institutions generate noninterest income and drive meaningful engagement while helping customers stay safe online and save money. HelloPrivacy helps protect against identity theft, robo-calls and privacy risks by monitoring and removing personal information from the web. Subscription Manager enables customers to manage their subscriptions in one place, cancel unused ones, and negotiate lower rates on select subscriptions. Both in demand tools can be easily embedded within weeks.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Jacob Bouer (Director of Sales & Partnerships,)
Press: Rob McMurtrie (Senior Director, Corporate Communications),

More Videos: FinovateSpring 2023