FinovateEurope 2023 / BehaviorQuant

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Players in the financial industry such as banks, funds, and investors have one main problem: systematic knowledge about the people and teams making investment decisions is missing. This leads to underperformance and inefficient financial advising. For the first time in the industry, we provide financial institutions with predictive knowledge about the people behind investment decisions. This allows financial companies to avoid invisible hiring risks, improve investment performance, and optimize financial advisory.

How they describe their product/innovation: BehaviorQuant brings behavioral science and machine learning to investment decisions. Our automated survey technology provides detailed knowledge about financial professionals, customers, and teams. Online dashboards with profiles and recommendations help asset managers to improve their performance, investors to select the best fund managers, and advisors to efficiently tailor their advisory services to individual clients.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, through other fintech companies and platforms, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Lukas Kupfner (Head of Business Development),
Press: Gerlinde Berghofer (COO & Co-Founder),

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