FinovateEurope 2023 / TAZI AI

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: TAZI AI, founded in 2017, is a San Francisco-based ML platform that empowers business experts and data scientists to build, update, and deploy ML models for agile decision-making. Its patented continuous learning, explainable AI, and human-in-the-loop technology have earned TAZI recognition as a Cool Vendor in Core AI Technologies by Gartner and in various analyst reports.

How they describe their product/innovation: Creating and maintaining AI solutions is slow, expensive, and difficult: with TAZI.AI it’s fast, reasonably priced and easier. TAZI.AI is a no-code Adaptive ML platform where business experts can easily work on the creation (in just days) and maintenance of continuous ML models. TAZI.AI brings agile AI solutions with its business KPI focused ML platform that is easy to use, has built-in adaptive ML technology, and provides interactive explanations serving industries.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B)


Bus. Dev.: Sandra López Claveria (Head of Pharma & Healthcare Global),
Press: Nazire Bocu Aruch (Marketing Operations Manager),

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