FinovateEurope 2016 / Featurespace

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Featurespace’s ARIC™ system provides world-leading machine learning fraud protection for Financial Services, Insurance and Gaming. ARIC is a real-time system which spots new fraud attacks as they happen, and enables clients to accept more good business from genuine transactions. Cutting-edge Adaptive Behavioural Analytics uses proprietary algorithms to build a real-time statistical profile for each individual customer, enabling informed business risk decisions. Clients are increasing Card Not Present fraud detection by 80%, reducing genuine declines by 70% and improving operational efficiency by 50%. Featurespace is one of the Sunday Times Tech Track Ones to Watch and a Gartner Cool Vendor.

How they describe their product/innovation: ARIC’s new Sandbox capability is a first for any live fraud protection system. This cutting-edge innovation enables clients to validate and train their fraud models on historic data in their own production environment. For the first time, there is no need to export batch data to test changes and updates. All the changes can be made, tested and delivered within the ARIC platform via an easy to use interface. This is revolutionary for fraud systems, giving clients complete control over optimising and updating fraud models in their own live environment, in a completely secure workflow.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed


Bus. Dev. & Sales: Matt Mills, Commercial Director,, +44(0)207 297 2599

Press: Rebecca Amos, Marketing Manager,, +44(0)1223 345940

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