FinovateWest 2020 /

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: provides an out-of-the-box Intelligent Virtual Assistant that acts as a “personal bank teller” to help customers 24/7 through every step of the journey from being a prospect to a customer.

We power several Financial Institutions across the world and process over 1 million conversations on our platform on a daily basis.

Our solution is proven in production with customers already witnessing over $50M+ ROI and it can go live in less than 2 weeks.

How they describe their product/innovation: In the light of the pandemic, one of the top challenges financial institutions are facing are increased call wait times and high call abandonment rates at their call centers. We have introduced a timely product to help financial institutions solve this problem.

We would like to demonstrate a human-level natural language understanding system that is powering call centers and is helping financial institutions automate 60% of the call center calls in 60 days.

With this technology, has enabled millions of dollars in savings for FIs.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions, licensed


Bus. Dev.: Srinivas Njay, CEO & Founder, 650-381-9283
Press: Laura Bryant, Head of Bus. Dev.,

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