FinovateEurope 2015 / Avoka

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Avoka transforms legacy paper, PDF, and web forms into multi-channel digital engagement applications for credit cards, personal loans, or government services, which increases sales, drives customer acquisition, and improves customer experience. Customers gain competitive advantage and embrace the movement to digital through responsive design, data collection and analysis, integration with systems of record, and the business agility modern customers demand. Avoka delivers a proven track record with financial services and government organizations including more than 12 years managing digital sales and service transactions and upward of 100M global business-critical customer transactions completed each year.

How they describe their product/innovation: The 3-Minute Loan Application: Fastest Onboarding Experience in the World

Product and pricing are not differentiators in financial services – customer experience is. In particular, frictionless customer experiences have been proven effective for attracting and retaining customers. Avoka helped a client go from 36% conversion rate for personal loan applications to 51% in just 4 weeks by focusing on delivering a frictionless experience for the customer. Because online, seconds matter.

We are demonstrating how combining social, cloud services, and crowd sourcing to streamline account opening and credit origination minimises customer effort and takes the friction out of customer acquisition.

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through other fintech companies and platforms


Bus. Dev.: Richard Austen, General Manager – Europe, +44 7 775 921 619
Press: Reid Hislop, Chief Marketing Officer, +1 5 185 775 884
Sales: Steven Moore, Senior Sales Executive, +44 7 415 383 933

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