FinovateSpring 2017 / Capitalise

Presenter Profile:

How they describe themselves: Based in Tel Aviv, Israel, Capitalise is a fintech company founded by a team of passionate developers with vast experience in the fintech arena. The company vision is to redefine trading automation and provide an innovative alternative suitable for financial professionals and consumers alike. Financial institutions receive access to a unique technology that bridges between the simplicity of words and the complex world of algorithmic trading and promises to convert more customers into active traders with an increased lifetime value. The company already partnered with leading financial companies and enables the introduction of robo-advisor strategies that fully automate portfolio management.

How they describe their product/innovation: Capitalise is the innovative and magical way that uses natural language to include any kind of data source such as financial, social and weather to make investment ideas come to life. We simplify the trading experience by translating words into executable investment strategies. We couple it with automated trade execution to never miss an investment opportunity. Instantly optimize your investment ideas with a click of a button to analyze, predict and improve investment performance. Turn investment ideas into robo-advisor strategies and introduce fully automated portfolio management and trade execution. See the magic happen at

Product distribution strategy: Direct to Business (B2B), through financial institutions


Bus. Dev., Press & Sales: Shahar Rabin, CEO,

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